YourFavBotanica PRAYERS

candle prayers spiritual spiritual candle prayers

We are delighted to present to you a prayer list of all YourFavBotanica prayers. All the prayers we offer can be used in conjunction with fixed candles, spell candles, oils, and powders available at YourFavBotanica. This versatility allows you to infuse your chosen products with the specific intentions you seek, making your spiritual practices even more personalized and potent.

Whether you wish to attract love and harmony, manifest prosperity and abundance, seek protection and healing, or any other spiritual goal, our prayers can align with your desires. By incorporating prayers into your candle rituals, anointing with oils, or sprinkling powders, you can enhance the energy and focus on your intentions.

Here's how you can utilize prayers with our products:

  1. Fixed Candles: Before lighting a fixed candle, take a moment to recite a prayer that resonates with your intention. As the candle burns, visualize your desires manifesting in the physical and spiritual realms.

  2. Spell Candles: When using our spell candles, speak the prayer aloud or silently as you light the candle. The prayer infuses the candle's energy, intensifying its effects on your intent.

  3. Oils: As you apply YourFavBotanica blessed oils, speak the prayer with clarity and conviction. This imbues the oil with your intentions, creating a potent tool for anointing candles, charms, or yourself.

  4. Powders: When using powders, sprinkle them with intention while reciting a prayer that matches your goal. This empowers the powder to work in alignment with your desires.

We believe in the transformative power of prayer and intention. By utilizing our prayers across our product range, you can create a harmonious connection between your inner self and the energies of the universe.

Domination Prayer: Divine Source Of Domination,I come before you seeking your divine assistance in dominating my person of interest thoughts and actions. I am in full control of (say specific person name and dob). May (say person name and dob) only think about me, may their actions seek only me, may their eyes only look for me, may their mouth only speak to me, may their ears only hear me, may their path to walk only find me. Thank You Divine Source Of Domination

Fertility Prayer:  Divine Source Of Fertility, I ask for your divine intervention and blessings, granting me the strength, resilience, and fertility required to conceive and carry a healthy baby. I pray for my physical well-being, that my body may be in perfect harmony and alignment with the natural rhythms of fertility. May my reproductive systems be nurtured and balanced, creating an optimal environment for the creation and development of life. Infuse my mind and heart with a deep sense of peace, trust, and hope. Guide me to release  any anxieties or doubts that may hinder my ability to conceive. Thank You Divine Source Of Fertility

Negativity Removal Prayer:  Divine Source Of Negativity Removal,I release any lingering negative energies within and around me, trusting in your divine power to cleanse and purify my being. With each breath I take, I release all thoughts, emotions, and attachments that no longer serve my highest good. I surrender any burdens, doubts, or fears that weigh me down, allowing them to dissipate into the universe's infinite love and light. I ask for your divine intervention to dissolve any negativity that hinders my growth and obstructs my path. May all energetic blockages, limiting beliefs, and self-imposed barriers be lifted and released. Grant me the clarity and strength to break free from the chains of negativity that hold me back. May all negativity be removed, creating space for infinite blessings and abundant possibilities.Thank You Divine Source Of Negativity Removal.

Mr Money Spell Prayer:  Divine Source of abundance and prosperity, I humbly come before you seeking financial blessings. As I hold this Mr Money Spell candle in my hands, I open my heart to receive your divine grace.With each flicker of the candle's flame, I ask for guidance in my financial endeavors. May this candle serve as a beacon of hope, Guiding me towards success and financial growth. I trust in your divine plan and timing, knowing that all my needs will be provided for. As I light this candle, I affirm my belief in miracles, And I surrender my financial worries to your loving care. Thank you for hearing my prayer, and for the blessings you bestow upon me. May this Mr Money Spell candle be a powerful tool, uplifting my financial well-being and enriching my life.In faith and gratitude, I now set this prayer into motion, and so it is. Amen

Restless Prayer: Divine Spirit, source of restlessness, I want you to grasp the five senses of (full name of person) and do not let (full name of person )rest in peace ,neither seated nor standing, waking nor sleeping ,that (full name of person) should think of seeing me, hearing me, tasting me, and touching me, that (full name of person)  should find themselves as desperate as the waters of the seas and as torn as the wind in the storm until they returns to me, that (full name of person) should run and run until they humbly falls at my feet because nobody will help them ,and that neither a divorced woman or man nor a married woman or man, a widow nor a young woman or man shall ever love them, but only me and me alone. (Name of lover), I conjure you before the cross and god almighty that you are to run after me as the living after the cross and the dead after the light. AMEN.

Magnet Prayer: Divine Universe, of magnet.  Ching Ching Ching, the sacred sound rings through the cosmos, and I stand in awe of your boundless abundance. As I venture forth on this journey of life, I declare with unwavering faith that everything I ching will be a magnet to me. Each thought, each intention, each action I set forth in alignment with the divine flow shall draw towards me the blessings I seek. Money, like a powerful magnet, is irresistibly drawn to me. Abundance is a magnetic force that courses through my being, attracting opportunities, success, and fulfillment in all aspects of my life. I am a vessel of divine prosperity, and I welcome its gifts with gratitude and humility.In the realm of endless possibilities, prosperity is a magnet to me. I open my arms to embrace the abundance that surrounds me, knowing that it is my birthright to flourish and thrive. Ching Ching Ching, the echo of prosperity resounds in my heart, and I am forever connected to the cosmic dance of abundance. In your divine grace, I pray, Amen.

Tick Extract Prayer: Divine Source Of Tick , May anything I want and I desire,  be drawn to me with an unwavering and powerful force, just like a tick firmly clings to its host. May (full name of person) be cling-ed to me and only me. May (full name of person) run and run until they humbly come to be stuck to me like a tick.

Black Arts Prayer: Divine Source Of Dark Powers, As i am tapping into the power of dark forces, i am establishing contact with dark spirits or the dead. I am asking and seeking assistant to help me to cast a hex or curse on (name of person). I am seeking for (name of person) to have a negative outcome. 

Reversible Prayer: Divine Source Of Reversing, I call upon you to aid me in reversing any negative energy that has been sent my way. I symbolically reverse any evil intent or harm that has been directed toward me, and I ask that it be returned to its source. May any harmful intentions be transformed into positive energy and returned to the sender, bringing them the enlightenment and love that they need. So mote it be.

Breakup Prayer: Divine Source Of Separation, in the name of the Holy Spirit of HATE: (his name and her name), inspire in these two people a hate so powerful that they can never remember each others names without feeling hate. Turn all their joyful memories into painful nightmares. If they ever meet and want to see each other, I invoke the spirit of all roads to separate their pathways. Amen.

War-Guerra Prayer: Divine Source Of War, in the name of the Holy Spirit of War, i am seeking to cause mayhem into people's lives, arguments and complete destruction. Turn all joyful memories into painful nightmares. 

9x Reversible Prayer: Divine Source Of 9 Times Reversible, I call upon you to aid me in 9 times reversing any negative energy that has been sent my way. I symbolically reverse any evil intent or harm that has been directed toward me, and I ask that it be returned to its source 9 times. May any harmful intentions be returned to the sender 9 times. So mote it be.

Law Stay Away Prayer: Divine Spirit Of Justice, please keep the law away from me. Please make all police officers and judges able to see me but not recognize the name on my ID. Please allow them to turn away their heads and take no notice of me, especially when I do not want to rebut their questions, assert my right to be silent, resist arrest or plead for help. 

Santa Muerte Prayer: Santa Muerte hear my prayers,  I ask for your protection against any witchcraft, negativity, obstacles,. I ask for your great support, I sincerely ask you, don’t leave me alone because I need you the most. Santa Muerte, guide me along the way, Go ahead of me so I can put aside all the evil, now all the doors to opportunities will open for me thanks to your mighty hands.

Peaceful Home Prayer: Divine Source Of Peaceful Home,I come before you with a deep longing for a peaceful home, a sanctuary filled with your everlasting light and love. I ask for your gentle touch to grace our dwelling, illuminating every corner with tranquility and harmony. May your radiant light surround us, casting out any shadows of discord or unrest. Let your love flow through our hearts, embracing each family member with compassion and understanding. Help us to cultivate a spirit of unity and forgiveness, fostering an environment where love flourishes abundantly.Grant us the wisdom to communicate with kindness and patience, to listen attentively to one another's needs, and to offer support during challenging times. May our words be imbued with grace and our actions rooted in love, creating an atmosphere where peace dwells and conflicts find resolution. Guide us in creating a home that nourishes the soul, where laughter echoes through the halls and joy fills every room. May we find solace in the simple moments, cherishing the beauty of togetherness and cherishing the bonds we share. We ask for your protection, dear Divine Source, shielding our home from negativity and disharmony. Surround us with your divine light, dispelling any negative energies that may seek to infiltrate our peaceful sanctuary. Grant us the strength to stand firm in the face of adversity, knowing that your love sustains and shields us.Thank You Divine Source Of Peaceful Home

Love Binding Prayer: Divine Source Of Love, I seek your divine intervention to binding  the person I am interested in, the one who will care for and love me unconditionally. With unwavering faith, I ask for your guidance in binding my soulmate, the one destined to walk beside me. May the energy of love radiate from within me, binding in my person of interest (say the persons of interest full name) with an irresistible magnetism. Let the divine connection between us be forged, transcending time and space. I ask that you remove any barriers or obstacles that may stand in the way of our union. Clear away any doubts, fears, or past experiences that have held me back from fully embracing the love that is meant for me. Open my heart and the heart of my soulmate to trust, vulnerability, and the boundless depths of love. Amen.

Money Drawing Prayer: Divine Source Of Money Drawing, I come before you with gratitude, seeking your divine assistance in drawing infinite money, wealth, prosperity, and abundance into my life. With a humble heart and pure intentions, I open myself to the flow of financial blessings that you are ready to bestow upon me. I release any limiting beliefs and doubts that may hinder my ability to receive the boundless abundance that exists in this universe. I embrace the truth that there is more than enough for everyone and that I am deserving of prosperity in all aspects of my life. I call upon the forces of abundance to align with me. May the energy of money and wealth be attracted to me like a magnet, effortlessly flowing into my life. I invite opportunities, and financial success to come my way, blessing me abundantly. Thank You Divine Source Of Money Drawing

Love Drawing Prayer: Divine Source Of Love, I seek your divine intervention to draw in the person I am interested in, the one who will care for and love me unconditionally. With unwavering faith, I ask for your guidance in attracting my soulmate, the one destined to walk beside me. May the energy of love radiate from within me, drawing in my person of interest (say the persons of interest full name, if there’s nobody continue reading) with an irresistible magnetism. Let the divine connection between us be forged, transcending time and space. I ask that you remove any barriers or obstacles that may stand in the way of our union. Clear away any doubts, fears, or past experiences that have held me back from fully embracing the love that is meant for me. Open my heart and the heart of my soulmate to trust, vulnerability, and the boundless depths of love. As I await the arrival of my soulmate, I will continue to cultivate self-love and prepare my heart to receive the love that is meant for me. In gratitude and faith, I offer this prayer. May the love I seek find its way to me, and may I recognize it with an open and grateful heart. Amen.

Road Opener Prayer: Divine Source Of Opportunities,In this sacred moment of prayer, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking Your divine intervention and guidance. I ask that you lift the heavy burdens of stress, worries, anxieties, and obstacles that have weighed upon me.I surrender these burdens to your loving embrace, knowing that you are the source of comfort and solace. Release the tension in my mind, body, and spirit, allowing me to find a sense of peace and serenity in the midst of life's challenges. With utmost trust and faith in your divine plan, I implore you to reopen the path to opportunities in my life. In the realm of finances, may new doors open to abundance and prosperity. Guide me towards wise decisions, fruitful investments, and the manifestation of financial stability. Rekindle the flame of love within me. Open the doors to healthy and fulfilling relationships, allowing love to flow into my life with ease and joy. Remove any barriers that hinder the growth of deep connections and nurture my heart with genuine love and companionship. Clear any obstacles that impede my well-being, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. Grant me vitality, strength, and vitality to lead a fulfilling and vibrant life, allowing me to embrace each day with renewed energy. In all areas of my life, I seek your guidance in uncovering general opportunities that align with my highest good. Open my eyes to new possibilities, pathways, and endeavors that will bring me fulfillment, success, and joy. Help me recognize and seize the opportunities that are meant for my personal and spiritual growth. With gratitude in my heart, I surrender my worries and obstacles to your divine wisdom and love. I trust that you will guide me towards the opportunities that will bring forth blessings, growth, and alignment with my soul's purpose.

 Evil Eye Prayer: Divine Source Of Evil Eye Protection, I am seeking your divine protection from any negativity, obstacles, and the influence of the evil eye. I ask for your shield of pure light to surround me, guarding me against any harmful energies or ill intentions that may come my way. I declare that I am shielded from the malevolent intentions of others, and I release any fear or worry associated with the evil eye. May your divine presence create an impenetrable barrier around me, allowing only positivity and blessings to enter my space. I invite your divine guidance to help me recognize and deflect any negative energies directed towards me. Grant me the discernment to distinguish between genuine love and harmful intentions. I trust in your wisdom to guide me on the path of protection and well-being. Thank You Divine Source Of Evil Eye Protection

Separation Prayer: Divine Source Of Separation, With my greatest and deepest faith, make (name of that person) begin to hate him (name of that person) and distrust him, make them realize that they are not good for one another, I ask you to separate ( name of both persons) from everything especially from what separates him from me.  Make them realize that they do not feel a genuine love or connection between one another. Make them fight,make them argue, make them dislike one another until they separate from each-other. Thank You Divine Source Of Separation

7 Chakra Healing Prayer: Divine Source Of 7 Chakra Healing, In this sacred moment, I call upon your divine wisdom and guidance to facilitate a profound healing of my body, soul, and mind. I seek to restore balance, harmony, and vitality to my entire being, aligning the seven chakras that govern my energetic centers. Starting from the root, I ask for the healing of my Root Chakra. Ground me in the present moment, anchoring me to the Earth's nurturing energy. May I feel safe, secure, and connected to the foundation of life. Moving upward, I invoke the healing of my Sacral Chakra. Awaken within me the creative energy and passion that flows through my sacral center. May I embrace joy, pleasure, and emotional well-being, allowing my creative expression to flourish. I invite the healing of my Solar Plexus Chakra. Infuse this center with vibrant energy and confidence. May I cultivate a sense of personal power, self-esteem, and inner strength as I navigate life's challenges. Guide the healing of my Heart Chakra. Open my heart to love, compassion, and forgiveness. May I experience deep connections, harmony, and emotional healing, radiating love to myself and others. I ask for the healing of my Throat Chakra. Grant me the ability to express my truth, authenticity, and clear communication. May my words and voice be a source of inspiration, healing, and up-liftment. I invoke the healing of my Third Eye Chakra. Awaken my intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual insight. May I see beyond the surface, trusting my inner guidance and connecting to the greater wisdom of the universe. Finally, I seek the healing of my Crown Chakra. Open me to divine connection, spiritual awakening, and cosmic consciousness. May I experience a profound sense of oneness, enlightenment, and transcendent bliss. As these seven chakras align and harmonize, I surrender to your divine healing energy. Bathe my body, soul, and mind in your loving light, purifying, restoring, and rejuvenating every aspect of my being.I express deep gratitude for this transformative healing journey and for the blessings of wholeness and well-being that flow into my life. Thank You Divine Source Of 7 Chakra Healing 

Come To Me Prayer: Divine Source Of Come To Me, With an open heart and pure intentions, I ask that you bring (say the person you’re interested in coming to you full name and dob) towards me with a profound sense of love and a genuine desire for reconciliation. May the energy of love permeate their thoughts and actions, drawing them closer to me. May (say the person you’re interested in coming to you full name and dob) feel a deep yearning to seek resolution, understanding, and healing within our relationship. Let their intentions be pure, driven by a sincere desire to rebuild the connection we once shared. I release any negativity or resentment that may have hindered our bond in the past, and I embrace forgiveness and understanding. May our paths cross in divine timing, and may the universe orchestrate our reunion in the most harmonious and loving way. Divine source of come to me I trust in your wisdom and divine intervention, knowing that you will guide me and (say the person you’re interested in coming to you full name and dob) towards the path of reconciliation, growth, and happiness. I am open to receiving the blessings of a renewed connection, built on love, trust, and shared aspirations.Thank you, Divine Universe and Source for hearing my prayer and for assisting me in manifesting this desired outcome.

Sex & Desire Prayer: Divine Source Of Sex & Desire, Me & (Name of person) are joined together as one to desire each-other sexually. Our desire is for us to want one another sexually, each and everyday. We both will forever be satisfied with one another because our desire sexually for one another is based on a place of deep desire for each-other.

Destroy Your Enemy Prayer: Divine Spirit Of Protection, Deliver me from my enemies (say name of enemies), protect me from those who rise up against me. I break and destroy my enemies evil powers and their works; including the influences of witchcraft, spells, hexes, vexes, voodoo, hoodoo, roots, potions, or any such things off me, my life, my family, my home, my possessions and all future generations. Protect me from trouble of my enemies (say name of enemies) wherever I go or am, keep my evil enemies (say name of enemies) far from me no matter where I am.

Shut Up Prayer: Divine Spirit Of STFU, I rebuke, and shut the mouths of (say the name of the person), leave them (say name of the person) without any strength or power over their evil tongues and influence. May their mouth be fully shut when my name is said around them, whenever they want to speak my name may they bite their tongue to remember to not speak ill of me.

Calm Your Ass Down Prayer: Divine Source of Tranquility, I humbly seek your compassionate guidance and assistance in bringing relaxation and serenity to (say name of person). In their moments of stubbornness, meanness, discomfort, anger, confusion, and arrogance, may your soothing presence gently touch their soul, guiding them towards a state of inner calm and peace. I ask for your loving energy to permeate their being, helping them release any tension or negativity they may carry. May they find solace in your gentle embrace, allowing relaxation to flow through them effortlessly.

Panty Dropper Prayer: Divine Source Of Sexuality, May (say the name of person) be drawn to me with an irresistible attraction to want to drop their panties/boxers for me, may they yearn for my presence, and may their gaze be fixed solely upon me, captivated by the depth of our sexual connection.

Clarity Prayer: Divine Source of Clarity and Understanding, I come before you with a humble heart, seeking clarity and guidance. Grant me the clarity I seek, within myself. In moments of confusion and uncertainty, shine your light upon my path, illuminating the answers I seek. Help me discern the truth from the illusions that surround me, and grant me the wisdom to make sound decisions.As I seek to understand, may you reveal the deeper truths hidden within, guiding me to a place of profound understanding and empathy.

Jinx Remover Prayer:  Divine Jinx Remover, I come before you with a heavy heart, seeking your guidance and assistance. Please hear my plea and help me remove the jinx that burdens my life, along with any bad luck and negativity that clings to me. With utmost faith in your infinite power, I ask you to cleanse my being and surroundings from all negative influences. May your divine light dispel the darkness and banish any ill fortune that surrounds me. I release the weight of this jinx into your loving hands, trusting that you will guide me towards a path of positivity and blessings. Fill my spirit with renewed hope, courage, and resilience as I navigate through this challenging time.

Double Luck Prayer: Divine Source of Double Luck, I humbly come before you, seeking a double measure of luck and blessings in my life. With sincere gratitude and unwavering faith, I open my heart to receive the gift of double luck from your divine hands. May the winds of fortune blow in my favor, bringing twice the opportunities and prosperity my way. Let every step I take be guided by the light of your benevolence, leading me to paths filled with success and joy. I ask for the doubling of positive outcomes, turning challenges into triumphs and dreams into realities. May every endeavor be met with favorable circumstances, and may the road ahead be adorned with unexpected blessings.

Cry For Me Prayer: Divine Source Of Restlessness, Whenever (say name of person) hear’s my name they will cry for me, whenever (say name of person) thinks of me they will cry for me, whenever (say name of person) misses me they will cry for me. (Say name of person) will cry for me until I’m by their side.

All Purpose Prayer: Divine Presence, source of light and love, I come before you with a humble heart and an open spirit. I seek your guidance and blessings in every aspect of my life.Grant me the strength to overcome challenges, the wisdom to make sound decisions, and the courage to follow the path you have laid before me. Bless my relationships with love and understanding, fostering harmony and compassion in all interactions with others.Shower me with good health, both physical and emotional, so that I may embrace each day with vitality and gratitude.Provide me with opportunities to grow and learn, expanding my horizons and unlocking my true potential.Help me find purpose and meaning in my journey, so that I may make a positive impact on the world around me.May your divine light illuminate my path, guiding me towards a life filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment.

Beg For Me Prayer: Divine Source Of Begging, Whenever (say name of person) hear’s my name they will beg for me, whenever (say name of person) thinks of me they will beg for me, whenever (say name of person) misses me they will beg for me. (Say name of person) will beg for until I am by their side.

Truth Prayer: Divine Seeker of Truth, I come before you with a sincere heart, seeking clarity and understanding about (mention the person's name). Grant me the wisdom and insight to discern the truth and see beyond any illusions or falsehoods. Guide me in my interactions with (mention the person's name), that I may approach them with empathy and compassion, seeking the truth with an open mind and a loving heart. Help me to see through any misconceptions or misunderstandings, and reveal the genuine nature of (mention the person's name). Illuminate the hidden aspects, so that I may know the truth in its entirety.

Chi-Chi Prayer: Divine Protector, I humbly come before you, seeking your powerful shield of protection against all forms of evil and the malevolent eye. Guard me with your loving grace and keep me safe from any harm that may be directed my way. I ask for your divine light to surround me, creating a barrier against negativity and ill intentions. May your sacred energy deflect any envious or malicious gazes that may seek to harm me. Empower me with inner strength and resilience, so that I may rise above any negative influences and remain steadfast in the face of adversity.

Eyes For Me Only Prayer: Divine Source Of Love, i am seeking your guidance and assistance with (mention the person's name) to only have eyes for me. If they start to drift their attention and eyes away from me may their attention and eyes be redirected only to me in an instant. (Say persons name) will only have eyes for me and nobody else.

Come Closer Prayer: Divine Source Of Love & Connection, I am seeking your guidance and assistance in bringing (mention the person's name) closer to me. May (say persons name) come closer to me.  I ask for your divine intervention to pave the way for deeper connection and meaningful interactions, fostering a relationship built on trust and shared experiences.May our souls resonate in harmony, drawing us closer together in a journey of a relationship.

Hooked On Me Prayer: Divine Source Of Connection, I am seeking your guidance and assistance in making (mention the person's name) to be hooked to me. May (say persons name) be head over heels hooked to me. I ask for your divine intervention to pave the way. May our souls be drawn closer together in a journey of complete love.

Confusion Prayer: Divine Source Of Confusion, may you bring confusion between (say person name) life. May they have no guidance on how to proceed with their relationship with (say persons name) may they be confused and not know what they want or how to proceed in life. May they be confused about everything that’s going on their life. May anybody they seek help from confuse them more than what they already are.

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